
Amazing Benefits of Oranges

Amazing Benefits of Oranges


Oranges can be described as oval to sphere shaped fruits with leathery porous skin. Their name orange is attributed to their tough shiny orange skins that hold together little sections with juice inside. The inner flesh of an orange is divided into segments, each containing seeds called “pips”. The segments are separated by thin white fibrous material called “pith”. In most of the oranges such as Mandarin oranges, the skin can be peeled off the pith and the segments can be pulled apart with the fingers to be eaten.

Health Benefits of Oranges

They belong to tropical climates and were cultivated in ancient China in spite of their origin being traced to Southeast Asia. It is used for a variety of purposes as a fruit – for making juices and its feel is used for aromatic creations. It is one of the most cultivated trees in the modern era and is easily available in all parts of the world. This Vitamin C rich fruit has good antioxidants which are essential for humans. These antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals that carry out unwanted oxidations.

These oxidation reactions are known to cause diseases and inflammatory experiences in the body.. A glass of orange juice is considered to be the most effective source of Vitamin C, even when you compare it with directly taking a Vitamin C tablet. The long acting liminoids present in sweet oranges fight cancers relating to breast, stomach, skin, mouth and colon.The compounds present in its peel of Sweet oranges are known to lower cholesterol levels with the same effectiveness of drugs. The fiber content of the fruit is also high which helps to prevent atherosclerosis.

Vitamin C:

Fruits and vegetables are the best source of Vitamin C. You won’t really require Vitamin C supplements as Vitamin C is already available in ample amounts in food sources and you can get the recommended amount of Vitamin C by incorporating foods in your diet.

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and their juices, as well as red and green pepper and kiwi fruit contain a huge content of Vitamin C. Other fruits and vegetables which include Vitamin C are broccoli, strawberries, cantaloupe, baked potatoes and tomatoes.

In order to get a healthy mane, we need to eat healthy food. Healthy diet reflects on our skin and hair. Vitamin C is much more than an antioxidant and plays an important role in improving the health of our skin and hair. Vitamin C provides many benefits for hair.