
Health Medicine uses Of Clitoria Ternatea (tamil in Kruvilai,. Kakkanam)

Medicinal Benefits of Clitoria ternatea
Clitoria ternatea is a very good medicinal herb found throughout India. The shrub is often grown in various gardens and is often found growing in hedges. The plants are native to America and Asia. The flowers are blue in colour with yellow markings. The fruits are edible when young. Some of the varieties have white flowers and are medicinally very effective than the yellow flowers.

Clitoria ternatea

Primary Medicinal Uses

The flower of Clitoria ternatea has been named as ‘Clitoria’ since it resembles the structure of the female reproductive organ. The herb has been found to be effective in treating female sexual disorders like infertility, correct menstrual disorders, etc. Also, the flowers serve as a sexual enhancer or aphrodisiac.

The botanical name of the herb is Clitoria ternatea and belongs to the family Fabaceae or PAPILIONACEAE. The Tamil name of the herb is Sangupushpam. The common names of the herb include Butterfly Bean, Clitoria, Aparajita, Butterfly Pea, Conch flower, Gokarni, Girikarnika, Koyal, Dintena, etc.

Medicinal Benefits of Clitoria ternatea
Clitoria ternatea is a very good medicinal herb found throughout India. The shrub is often grown in various gardens and is often found growing in hedges. The plants are native to America and Asia. The flowers are blue in colour with yellow markings. The fruits are edible when young. Some of the varieties have white flowers and are medicinally very effective than the yellow flowers.

Primary Medicinal Uses

The flower of Clitoria ternatea has been named as ‘Clitoria’ since it resembles the structure of the female reproductive organ. The herb has been found to be effective in treating female sexual disorders like infertility, correct menstrual disorders, etc. Also, the flowers serve as a sexual enhancer or aphrodisiac.

The botanical name of the herb is Clitoria ternatea and belongs to the family Fabaceae or PAPILIONACEAE. The Tamil name of the herb is Sangupushpam. The common names of the herb include Butterfly Bean, Clitoria, Aparajita, Butterfly Pea, Conch flower, Gokarni, Girikarnika, Koyal, Dintena, etc.

Cough, Cold and Asthma
The roots of Clitoria ternatea have great medicinal value. They can be powdered and consumed. They cure whooping cough in an instant manner. The herb also cures cold and asthma present in people. The plant can be used to smoke to cure throat related infections. A decoction can be prepared and used to gargle to cure core throats.

Brain Power
The roots of Clitoria ternatea have the ability to improve memory and make you an intellectual. They are also used to cure brain related illnesses.

Nerve System
Clitoria ternatea has a very positive effect on the human nerve system. It strengthens the nerves present in the body and increases the functioning of the brain.

Circulatory System
The herb has the property to regulate the circulatory system. It purifies the blood in the body and gives a new energy to the body.

Body Strength
The herb has the property to increase the strength of the body.
Clitoria ternatea is often grown as an ornamental plant. They require little care for cultivation. The plants have the property to improve the soil quality.