
Good Health Uses of Double Beans (Iraṭṭai Bins)

How To Uses Of Double Beans
Beans are high in protein, iron, fiber and other nutrients -- and low in fat, cholesterol and sodium. In addition, beans are inexpensive, delicious in a variety of dishes and an excellent substitute for meat. Eating beans may have some drawbacks, however, including gastrointestinal problems.

Iron Absorption:

Many types of beans contain high levels of iron, such as kidney beans, lima beans, soybeans and white beans. However, beans provide non-heme iron, which isn't as easy to absorb as heme, or meat sources of iron. Improve your absorption of iron by eating beans along with meat, seafood or poultry or by eating beans with a source of vitamin C, such as oranges or bell peppers, recommends the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Double Beans

Fiber And Beans

There are two kinds of fiber. The first is "insoluble" fiber, alias 'roughage', which can't be used by the human body. Instead it moves on through, carrying out waste products and toxins. The more insoluble fiber we have, the less likely we are to retain foods inside our bodies which keeps them from putrefying. Yes, that's a gross thought but that doesn't make it any less true.

Fiber And Beans

There are two kinds of fiber. The first is "insoluble" fiber, alias 'roughage', which can't be used by the human body. Instead it moves on through, carrying out waste products and toxins. The more insoluble fiber we have, the less likely we are to retain foods inside our bodies which keep them from putrefying. Yes, that's a gross thought but that doesn't make it any less true.

Fiber is what makes you feel full! Obviously, if we feel full we will eat less and be more satisfied, our appetite will be more easily controlled and we will either lose weight or maintain a healthy weight

 Beans And Weight Loss

 Experts have loudly proclaimed that there is an immutable formula for calories in, calories out but, in fact, all calories are not the same because some calories require much more digestion than others. The harder your body has to work to digest those calories, the less of them will be absorbed. The difference between a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of beans is startling. In fact, if you'd like to reduce your calorie "price" by 10%, add an extra 14 grams of fiber.

The protein in lima beans has several nutritional benefits. Protein keeps your hair and nails strong. Your body also repairs damaged or weak muscle tissue withprotein. If you choose to eat an all-protein diet, add lima beans or some other type of legume to your meal plan. Bean protein is digested better than meat protein.

Lima beans are rich in iron, which provides cell growth in your body. Although a diet of lean meats and fish is better than eating red meat, legumes provide the best sources of iron.