
Good Helath Uses Of Banana (Vazhaipoo)

Health uses Of Banana Flower

Banana Flower
 White flowers. Along with dietary fibers, proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, banana flowers are also rich in vitamin E and flavonoids. They are part of many cuisines in the world. They also possess immense medicinal value. However, there is no scientific information to determine the side effects and drug interactions of banana flower. It should, thus, be used only under the supervision of a doctor.

 banana flowers have tremendous nutritional value, being a good source of fiber and protein. The flowers contain a class of phytochemicals known as. Saponins lower LDL ,or bad cholesterol, boost our immunity against infection and are thought to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. They also have antioxidant activity and so can reduce our risk of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease.

 Banana flowers are also an excellent source of. These phytochemicals found in many plant based foods help prevent damage to DNA cells by neutralizing free radicals. They also help lower cholesterol, are anti-inflammatory, anticancer and anti-aging.

Banana Flower:

The banana flower grows at the end of a bunch of bananas. It is a leafy maroon colored cone with cream colored florets layered inside. These florets need to be cleaned well before they are cooked as a vegetable. The banana flower is rich in vitamins, flavonoids and proteins.

 The flower has been used in traditional medicine to treat bronchitis, constipation and ulcer problems. It eases menstrual cramps. The extracts of banana flower have antioxidantproperties that prevent free radicals and control cell and tissue damage.

The peel of this type of bananas is a maroon red color and they are plumper than normal bananas. They are also highly nutritious - the vitamin C content depends on how red the banana is. The potassium content is high - more or less like the yellow bananas. The flavor of red bananas is unique and they are delicious and rare.

Banana Plant Leaves:

In India and Asia, banana leaves are used like aluminum foil. They are used to wrap food prior to steaming and grilling. The leaf makes an excellent platter and food served on these leaves tastes delicious. The leaves are not eaten but while steaming food some of the polyphenolsare imparted to the food.

Health Benefits
  •  Banana flower is known to help increase progesterone hormone which reduces bleeding during menstruation. Thus, for people suffering from painful menstruation and excess bleeding, having cooked banana flower with curd or buttermilk is beneficial.

  •  It is considered to be a good source of vitamin A and C.

  •  It is traditionally believed to be beneficial as a lactating agent.