
Good Health Benefits Of Nungu (ice apple)

Health Benefits Of Ice Apple or (Nungu)


Ice apple, also known as palm fruit or Nungu in Tamil is a delicious jelly like fruit that beats all the others for its cooling effect on a hot summer day. This seasonal nungu is the tender fruit of the palmyra tree.  This tree is found in plenty in the villages of South India lining the paddy fields.  It is the official tree of the Tamil Nadu State.

 Summer season Health Uses:

During summer you can find clusters of palmyra fruit in the tree hanging down below the palm leaves.  They have a thick violet black husk.  The top greenish covering is cut to reveal the three sockets in which the fruit is located.  The jelly has a tender brownish-yellow skin.  Watery fluid is found inside the jelly which has excellent cooling properties.

Seasonal problems like prickly heat affect children and grownups alike in summer. Ice apple is an excellent remedy for prickly heat.  This has been my personal experience.  In my childhood days I was prone to prickly heat of the summer. 

Come the month of April and my chest and back would be covered with prickly heat.  My mom used to coat me with a thin layer of ice apple jelly.  The soothing effect of the ice apple provided an immediate relief to that nasty itch.  

Health Benefits:

Benefit out of ice apple it should be consumed along with its tender pink, brownish skin.  Though taking the fruit with the skin may taste a bit sour it can heal stomach ulcers.  So take a few fruits along with the skin for your benefit. 

 The jelly part is cut to pieces and added to milk and honey.  This preparation cools the body and helps tackle the hot summer.  People suffering from chicken pox can take ice apple regularly to bring down the intensity of the disease condition as well as aid rapid healing.

Eaten fresh Best:

Nongu is best eaten fresh but it can also be soaked in coconut water and chilled for some time to enhance its natural coolness. Sprinkling cardamom powder (elaichi) and some sugar is one way of eating it; another way is to make nongu payasam – cooking the pieces in milk and sugar till it is soft and creamy. 

If plucked when tender, the thick fibrous outer covering has three translucent white kernels inside, covered with a thin creamish membrane. This when peeled off, reveals the soft jelly like flesh underneath which holds a small quantity of sweet water inside.

 The flesh itself is almost bland and somewhat similar to the litchi in texture without the sweetness and is refreshing to eat. It is best eaten tender and fresh as soon as it is cut since it tends to become rubbery when stored and the sugar inside ferments changing its taste. The season is very short and the fruits usually appear in early summer. 

The fruit is packed with minerals especially phosphorus and calcium. It is extremely cooling for the body, contains B complex vitamins like thiamine and riboflavin and almost no fat or carbohydrates. It is often used in traditional therapy to cure stomach and skin disorders.