
Amazing Benefits Of Peanuts

Amazing Benefits Of Peanuts


Also known as ground nuts, peanuts, along with beans and peas are members of the legume family which are the best sources of protein in the plant kingdom. Peanuts are found in a wide variety of products.

Peanuts are popularly used as a seed oil in India. Since they are obtained from the ground, they are also sometimes called as groundnuts. They are very easily available round the year and almost everywhere in India.
These are also taken as snacks in many households especially in India. They are actually legumes but since they have all the properties of nuts like almonds, cashew nuts, etc., these are also included in the family of nuts.

 They can be eaten salted, dry roasted, boiled and even raw. They can be found in peanut brittle, peanut butter and candy bars and is often a major ingredient in mixed nuts.

Health Benefits of peanut Low risk of weight gain:

Women who eat peanuts or peanut butter at least twice a week are less likely to be susceptible to obesity than those who don’t. So if you are eating peanut butter every morning with bread slices, then you have less chances of gaining weight.

Fights depression:

Low Serotonin levels leads to depression. Tryptophan in peanuts increases the release of this chemical and thus helps you fight depression.

Thus you can see that Peanut benefits to health are many and you should make it a point to take in a minimum of two tablespoons of peanut butter each week in order to keep those dangerous diseases away and stay healthy!

benefits of peanuts for skin include:

Skin damage occurs as a result of oxidation, a chemical process in which unstable molecules called free radicals steal electrons from healthy cells. Vitamin E in peanuts defends our skin’s cells against the damage of oxidative stress. It guards our skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun to protect against sun burn and skin damage.

 Signs of ageing like wrinkles, discoloration and decreased elasticity are one of our biggest beauty concerns. Peanut contains significant amount of Vitamin C which is required for the production of collagen. Collagen is required to sustain tendons, skin and cartilage. It provides firmness and elasticity to the skin to keep it young and supple.

Beta carotene, an antioxidant found in peanuts is very critical for skin’s health. It is converted into Vitamin A in the body which helps in the growth and repair of body tissues. Thus peanuts help to heal wounds and bruises at a faster pace.

Benefits of Peanuts for Hair:

Peanut is an excellent source of l-arginine, an amino acid which is very helpful for treating male pattern baldness and to encourage the growth of healthy hair. It also improves the health of artery walls and prevents blood clotting to improve blood flow. A proper blood flow throughout the body and hair is imperative to get healthy and strong hair.

 Deficiency in vitamin E can lead to brittle and weak hair which can easily break. Including proper level of vitamin E in your diet ensures that the hair roots receive a rich supply of hair healthy vitamins to keep them strong and healthy.

Boiled peanuts taste extremely delicious and are quite addictive. These are very healthy as they boost the disease fighting compounds by almost four times. Moreover they contain just a little amount of saturated fats which makes them a perfect diet food.

Because of their high protein content peanuts are processed into a variety of forms including butter, oil, flour and flakes. Peanut oil is used extensively for cooking and for preparing margarine. It is extracted from shelled and crushed peanuts by applying hydraulic pressure.