
Vallarai Plant medicinal Uses

Health Benefits of Pineapple
Vallarai Plant medicinal Uses


The vallarai leaf is used to cure diseases in siddha and ayurveda treatment. Root of vallarai keerai plant can live for manu years and you can see red flowers and small fruits in tha plabt. Vallarai is used to treat irregular mentural cycle and it can regulate the mentural cycle. People usually take vallarai keerai during pregnancy to improve the baby’s memory. Callarai helath benefits. Vallarai keerai improves nervous coordination, digestion and it cures all skin related problems. Vallarai diabetes medicine is also prepared in herbal medicine.

Vallarai keerai belongs to the family of hebs can be used as a routine green in our diet. Vallarai keerai improves the mind capacity of a person and it has tha capability to improve the memory power of our mind. The plant can go in areas eith moderate temperartue.

Vallarai is used to cure many diseases in siddha amd ayurveda. The vallarai leaf I sused to cure many diseases in siddha and ayurveda treatment. Adding vallarai keerai for 3 days in a week in our diet can boost up the memory power in natural way.

Maintains Youthful vallarai keerrai strength
1.     The herb is also good for diabetic’s andpeople suffering from anaemia.
   It improves improves memory, voice, physical stamina, complexion and digestive capacity of the body.
3.     It finds its use also in cosemetics as an ingredient in face and anti – wrinkle creams.

How to use vallarai for Memory
Generally, students having difficulties in retaining their memory suggested to take vallarai  to increase their memory power. We can add it to our diet in many forms like thuvaiyal, chutney and many other dishes. It also helps to the growth of hair. There are capsules and tablets available for vallarai keerai.

Vallarai tonic also found to improve  memeory power among children, when given in small proportions by mixing  concentrated aqueous extract with sugar  and honey. The tonic does noe require and terminal processing. Accepts addition of milk, to a tablespoon of the tonic.

How to use vallarai for Hair:
One of the best vallarai keerai for hair fall problem and baldness treatment. You can also use vallari keerai medicinal value is hair fall treatment. Take the juice from vallarai keerai and add equal amount add sesame oil. Boil it for some time and preserve in an air tight container. Apply this herbal hair oil daily to avoid hair fall. Heat the leaves in direct and extract the juice.