Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon
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Lemon, a fruit popular for its
therapeutic properties, helps maintain your immune system and thus, protects
you from the clutches of most types of infections. It also plays the role of a
blood purifier. Lemon is a fabulous antiseptic and lime water juice also works
wonders for people having heart problems, owing to its high potassium content.
So, make it a part of your daily routine to drink a glass of warm lemon water
in the morning and enjoy its health benefits. Read on for more interesting
information on the benefits lemon water.
They contain vitamin c, calcium, floated,
vitamin b5, vitamin b3, vitamin b1 and b2, iron, magnesium, phosphors,
potassium, zinc as well as sugar, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fat and protein.
Lemons have citric acid so they taste acidic but the juice helps to form
alkaline in the body and are used in cooking as well as various other things.
I have started (almost) every day with a
glass of warm lemon water and it has made huge differences for me. Warm lemon
water in the morning helps kick start the digestion process for the day.
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, choices that you make regarding your
daily routine either build up resistance to disease or tear it down. Ayurveda
invites us to get a jump-start on the day by focusing on morning rituals that
work to align the body with nature’s rhythms, balance the dashes and foster
self-esteem alongside self-discipline.
Lemon juice flushes out unwanted materials
and toxins from the body. Its atomic composition is similar to saliva and the
hydrochloric acid of digestive juices. It encourages the liver to produce bile
which is an acid that is required for digestion. Lemons are also high in
minerals and vitamins and help loosen am, or toxins, in the digestive tract.
The digestive qualities of lemon juice help to relieve symptoms of indigestion,
such as heartburn, belching and bloating.
Skin clear
The vitamin C component as well as other
antioxidants helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes and it helps to combat free
radical damage. Vitamin C is vital for healthy glowing skin while its alkaline
nature kills some types of bacteria known to cause acne. It can actually be
applied directly to scars or age spots to help reduce their appearance. Since
lemon water purges toxins from your blood, it would also be helping to keep
your skin clear of blemishes from the inside out. The vitamin C contained in
the lemon rejuvenates the skin from within your body.
Breath Freshens.
Besides fresher breath, lemons have been
known to help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis. Be aware that citric acid can
erode tooth enamel, so you should be mindful of this. No not brush your teeth
just after drinking your lemon water. It is best to brush your teeth first,
then drink your lemon water, or wait a significant amount of time after to
brush your teeth. Additionally, you can rinse your mouth with purified water
after you finish your lemon water.
Nutrition Value Of Lemons
A glass of
lemon juice contains less than 25 calories. It is a rich source of nutrients
like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fiber. It also has medicinal
values and antibacterial properties. It also contains traces of iron and
vitamin A. Since it contains an elevated percentage of carbohydrates and
sugars, avoid adding sugar to lemon juice.
Lemon benefits for skin care:
Lemon is a great astringent and can be used
as a skin astringent as well. Lemon juice is very effective to reduce acne. Use
a small cotton bud dipped in freshly squeezed lemon juice to help reduce its
Use lemon juice to lighten the freckle marks
effectively. Use freshly squeezed lemon juice on freckles before going to bed
at night. Follow the method for two weeks to see the freckles appear lightened.
Lemon juice works great for nails as it has
vitamin c which makes nails healthy and strong. To help keep nails healthy
immerse the nails in a bowl of lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Then immerse
them in a mixture of warm water and white vinegar. Rinse off with water
and see the difference in your nails.
Body skin loses moisture when in contact with
chlorinated water at the time of bathing. Use lemon along with turmeric and
starch as a cleanser before bath. If you feel the raw juice is too strong for
your skin, add a little water to dilute it. This way the intensity will lessen.