
Powerful Health Benefits of the Pomegranate

Health Benefits of pomegranate

Benefits of Pomegranate
Pomegranate is a thick skinned super seedy fruit, with a brilliant red hue which is now touted as a wonder fruit by scientific researchers. The name pomegranate derives from the French word “pomegranate” or seeded apple. hey are believed to have originated in Iran and where it was not only revered as an important food source but was also widely used for its medicinal value. Drinking pomegranate juice benefits our health and skin in a myriad of ways. It is one of the few fruits whose juice is as beneficial as the fruit itself. 

This is because the peel contains the maximum amount of antioxidants which are released in abundance when the fruit is squeezed while juicing. A single glass of pomegranate juice can provide you with 40 % of the daily requirement of folic acid and vitamins A, C, and E. Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, being completely unprocessed, triumphs over packaged juice any day, as it retains the maximum number of vitamins..  Make sure that the juice is unsweetened as sugar being inflammatory can counteract some of the health benefits of this fruit.


Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

Health Benefits in lemon water
Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water  


 Lemon, a fruit popular for its therapeutic properties, helps maintain your immune system and thus, protects you from the clutches of most types of infections. It also plays the role of a blood purifier. Lemon is a fabulous antiseptic and lime water juice also works wonders for people having heart problems, owing to its high potassium content. So, make it a part of your daily routine to drink a glass of warm lemon water in the morning and enjoy its health benefits. Read on for more interesting  information on the benefits lemon water.

Health Benefits of papaya

Health Benefits of Papaya
Health Benefits of papaya


Papayas offer not only the luscious taste and sunlit color of the tropics, but are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium, copper, and magnesium; and fiber. Together, these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and also provide protection against colon cancer. In addition, papaya contains the digestive enzyme, papa in, which is used like bromelain, a similar enzyme found in to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies.