
Health Benefits of Dates

Health Benefits of dates

Benefits of Dry Dates
Date fruit or Phoenix Dactylifera is one of the most nutritious foods that can either be taken fresh or consumed after drying. Dry dates are known to be an all-in-one natural remedy for a number of health-related problems. From boosting your energy levels to taking care of your cardiovascular health, date fruits have multifaceted benefits to offer. You can also consume them for enhancing your beauty. Get an insight into the benefits of dry dates for health, skin and hair.



Dates can be chipped and sprinkled on sweet dishes, cakes and puddings and this enhances the state of the dish too. Selection of dates is very easy and you can have good ones if they appear fleshy and evenly colored. Make sure there is no artificial sugar coating. Wash the dates properly before you eat because dust accumulates on the dates easily. In addition to all these, storing dates is not a big deal. They are dry fruits and so you do not have to face hassles to store them.


Dates can provide lot of health benefits. Dates are high in iron content and fluorine. Dates are rich source of vitamins and minerals.  Consuming dates regularly can help to lower cholesterol and keep many health disorders away. Read on to know more about the top 10 benefits of consuming dates.

Muscle Strength:

Another amazing aspect of eating dry dates is increased muscle strength. They have significant effects on our heart muscles and are known to make our heart stronger. Pregnant women should consume dry dates regularly as they can strengthen uterus muscles and make the birth of the child easier.

Damaged Skin Cells:

Dry dates are a natural resource of Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. It is highly beneficial for skin cells as it can repair damage caused by free radicals. So, if you want to get firm and naturally beautiful skin, dry dates can be a good aid.

Promotes Skin Youthfulness:

We have already talked about the anti-oxidative properties of dry dates. These are advantageous for our skin too. As our skin gets rid of free radicals, it becomes firm and toned. In short, dry dates help us fight against untimely ageing and make us youthful.Loaded with vital nutrients, dried dates can nourish our skin and improve its texture. Regular consumption of these fruits can result in smoother and fairer skin.

Iron Source:

Dry dates are a great source of iron, one of the most vital minerals in a body. Iron is a major component in red blood corpuscles or haemoglobin and plays a key role in maintaining the amount of blood cells as well as regulating the flow of oxygen in the body. Hence, people who suffer from anaemia (decrease in blood cells) can get immense benefits from dry dates.