
How To Uses of Cocount Water

Health Benefits of Coconut Water
Coconut water is a very popular drink and is consumed by people of all ages across the world. It is touted for its healing and medicinal properties. And on top of that, it is easily available all over the country and is affordable too. It is a gift of nature that benefits us both internally when ingested and externally when applied topically.

Health Benefits of Coconut water

Coconut water has less sugar than any other sports drink and much less sugar than sodas and some fruit juices. On any given day, Coconut water is always a better option for kids and adults looking for a beverage. It is the most natural way to replenish the supply of electrolytes in our body and prevent dehydration and acidity.

Benefits of muskmelons

Health Benefits of muskmelons
Benefits of musk melons 


The musk melon or cantaloupe is a perfect summer fruit. Its high water content can help take care of the fluid loss that our bodies go through due to perspiration in this season. It also helps to combat the heat in the body and thus, prevents heat-related disorders during summer.

Superb Benefits of Cucumber

Health Benefits of cucumber
Superb Benefits of Cucumber

This plant is extremely easy to grow and is cultivated in various sizes, shapes and colour.  The vegetable is cultivated all over the world. It has a light to dark green thin skin, moisture rich flesh and as tiny edible seeds in it. The vegetable is best harvested when it is young, tender and just short of achieving maturity. It has a slightly sweet flavour and is mainly eaten raw in salad or sandwiches or in the form of juice.

The humble, crunchy Cucumber is a wonderful vegetable to beat the scorching summer heat. Cucumber is one of the oldest cultivated crops, believed to have been originated in the Indian subcontinent. The plant is basically a creeper and belongs to the Cucurbitaceous family, its scientific name being Cucumis sativus. This vegetable is considered as a super food for its effects on the overall health.

Health Benefits of Eating Beets

Benefits of Eating Beets


Health Benefits of Beet Root

Beet roots have always been included in my most recommended vegetables list, although they are in the "use sparingly" category because of their high carbohydrate levels. Although beets have the highest sugar content of all vegetables, most people can safely eat beet roots a few times a week (and their greens in unlimited quantities), enjoying not only their sweet, earthy flavor but also their powerhouse nutrients that may improve your health in the following ways.

Health Benefits of Okra (Lady’s Finger)

Health Benefits of Okra (Lady’s Finger)


Okra is also known as “lady’s finger” in some parts of Asia. And various other names in other parts of the world. The plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world. Okra is an edible pea pod and although can be eaten raw, I’ve never acquired the raw taste. You can lightly blanch steam or give it a quick stir-fry to reduce the “green” taste.

Best Benefits Of Grapes

Best Benefits Of Grapes


Grapes can be consumed in many ways, they can be eaten raw or they can also be used in making juice, wine, and jelly or Grape seed oil.  Although Grapes are very small and tiny in size, they have numerous nutrients, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins which keep us healthy, fit and fine.

Amazing Benefits Of Grapefruits

Amazing Benefits Of Grapefruits


Grapefruit Health Benefits

Grape fruit is rich in Vitamin A, carotene and lycopene. It is often revered as the “fruit of paradise” for its health promoting benefits as well as disease healing properties. Pink and red grapefruits are rich in beta carotene. It is also a storehouse of polychemicals such as flavonoids, terpens and limonoids. Pink grapefruit contains a carotenoid called lycopene Folate.  In addition to being rich in Vitamin C, grapefruits are also rich In Vitamin A, fiber, potassium and magnesium. Additionally it contains moderate levels of Vitamin B complex such as Folate, riboflavin, pyridoxine and thiamine in addition to some resourceful minerals such as iron, calcium, copper and phosphorus.

Amazing Benefits of Oranges

Amazing Benefits of Oranges


Oranges can be described as oval to sphere shaped fruits with leathery porous skin. Their name orange is attributed to their tough shiny orange skins that hold together little sections with juice inside. The inner flesh of an orange is divided into segments, each containing seeds called “pips”. The segments are separated by thin white fibrous material called “pith”. In most of the oranges such as Mandarin oranges, the skin can be peeled off the pith and the segments can be pulled apart with the fingers to be eaten.

Benefites Health Uses of Apple

Amazing Benefits of Apple


Antioxidants are disease-fighting compounds. Scientists believe these compounds help prevent and repair oxidation damage that happens during normal cell activity. Apples are also full of a fibre called pectin—a medium-sized apple contains about 4 grams of fibre. Pectin is classed as a soluble, fermentable and viscous fibre, a combination that gives it a huge list of health benefits.

  A new study performed on mice shows that drinking apple juice could keep Alzheimer’s away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. Mice in the study that were fed an apple-enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet.




Sweet and crunchy, carrot has been an important part of vegetarian diets. A carrot plant has green lacy leaves and a long slender orange root that is edible. Baby carrots are tender but they are less flavorful because of the immaturity, bright orange carrots were developed by the Dutch in the Middle Ages and today they are the most common ones. These vegetables are belived to have originated about 5000 years ago.